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Giada's birth

Good morning Manu from me and Giada, we wanted to thank you so much and tell you that hypnobirthing has helped us a lot! Labour was very fast and very very bearable, nothing compared with my first birth! I couldn't believe I had reached full dilation. The expulsive phase was more demanding and tough but we still managed to have our VBAC with dad alongside who ran to be there! So many emotions and surprises since Giada anticipated everyone sparing me a sweep and an induction and giving me a natural birth as I dreamed of and it is also thanks to you!

Jacopo's birth

Here I am!

I had a super quick birth. I managed well the surges that started last night around 11pm. At 8am this morning I went to the hospital since I had surges every 2 minutes.

I loved my midwife.. a real angel! She was the one to remind me to breathe and not to push. I pushed probably for about 10 minutes. I didn't even really push, but I just breathed the baby out.

I only got 2 external stitches as a precaution.

They immediately handed the baby to me, without cleaning him, and they waited to clamp the cord as I had asked ..... I found out the weight around 5 pm, because first he was with me and did skin to skin with his dad too.

It was truly amazing. Thank you so much for everything ....

The midwives complimented me and the gynaecologist was speechless. After 1 hour I was up and eating because I was so hungry.

My super collaborative partner massaged my back and kept me hydrated ... He was calm too ....

Then when the was born he cried a lot. He let it all out in the end, but it was great support

The midwife just sat on the side and let us get on with it.

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